Hello friends, and welcome to the official rebranding of Great Oak Wealth Management! We’ve been working hard over the past two months smiling for new photos, redesigning the website, improving our social media reach, and just shining everything up.
Why did we do it?
Many reasons, but essentially it boiled down to the fact that the old website and social media pages lacked personality. Yes, they provided the necessary information, but you couldn’t get a feel for Great Oak Wealth Management or our transparent, open approach to your finances. The new website perfectly captures what we’re all all about.

Before I talk about all of the cool new additions to the site, I need to thank a number of people. Firstly, I’d like to thank Jennifer Breton Photography for doing an outstanding job in making us look good, or in my case, as good as possible. The hardest part was waiting for the never-ending winter to end.
I’d also like to thank Dan Barringer, Preserve Manager at Natural Lands Trust Crow’s Nest Preserve. He was extremely accommodating and helpful (sorry about the alarm, Dan!). I encourage you to become a member of Natural Lands Trust. Their mission is to conserve land in eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey.
Thanks must then go to my colleagues, Robin and George, for having me annoy them for the photo shoot, text edits, and design feedback. The same goes for my family. Kim and the boys had to sit through numerous showings until I felt everything was just right.
Finally though, the biggest thanks goes to the amazing British design duo, Hannah and Lee of Further Bound. They managed to capture exactly what I wanted, with very little direction. Time after time I would share an idea via email or Skype (they currently reside in France), and before I knew it, I was presented with a piece of art. Beyond the beautiful design work they did, what impressed me the most was their sixth sense of understanding what I wanted to convey, or as Hannah referred to it, “the Jimness”. Bravo Hannah and Lee.
My thank you speech time is up. I encourage you to go and explore things for yourself, but before you do that, allow me to highlight some of the improvements:
A new logo
Simple, classy and right to the point, just like our service.
Easier navigation
Our site content has been streamlined to allow everything to be found quickly, and provide a smoother user experience overall. We have also added a FAQ page for all of the most common questions we are asked.
About us
Get to know the team better. You’ll learn a little something interesting about myself, George, and Robin.
New service packages
You’ve asked for it and we’ve done it. We’ve broken our services out into three packages. Prior to this, I had separated investment management and financial planning into two services, but that’s not how your life works, and so neither should our services. They are indelibly connected; your success depends on both, so now we include financial planning with investment management. In addition to this, we still have our comprehensive service plan, providing financial planning the way you want it.
The “Financial Focus” plan
We’ve created a brand new service. This is a single topic financial plan, such as saving for retirement or college funding, and more. This includes a 60 to 90 minute appointment via phone, internet or in person. A follow-up email is included with a one-page attachment with written recommendations so you can take immediate, structured action. We also include 30 days of unlimited email for questions that arise in conjunction with the topic addressed.
Online scheduling
No need to call anymore to make an appointment, now you can go online and schedule a meeting. You can also select your preferred meeting format, choosing between holding the meeting at your home, one of our offices, or virtually for Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangout. You’re busy; so we make it as easy for you as possible.
Improved technology
Skype, FaceTime, GoogleHangouts. If you’re down the street or on the other side of the world we can meet online, share documents, and get you on track.
Access to client portals
Everything at your fingertips, when you want it. Safe and secure – this is your money we’re talking about, safety is important. You can log into the various portals and get up-to-the-minute information regarding you investment performance, allocation and transactions, or financial plan updates and changes.
Improved blog and improved blogger
We’ve added a simple list of categories so you can easily navigate through those words of wisdom I have dispensed. The old blog was an annoyance. The formatting was off and never looked good. This one is much improved. As you are well aware, my blog posts have been very inconsistent over the years. I may have blogged weekly for a month or two and then poof, no blogging for three months. Not anymore my friends, I will be blogging bi-weekly, and also sending out a monthly newsletter. If you’d like to receive these updates directly to your inbox, you can subscribe for free via the sign-up box at the bottom of this page.
But wait, there’s more…
We didn’t stop with just a new website. We’re going big-time with new Facebook and Twitter pages that flow with our website. Not only are they new, I’m actually going to use them. Consistently. I promise. It’s important you go and like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and sign up for our blog and newsletter. Different tidbits will be going out in each outlet. I may crosspost on occasion, but I don’t want you to miss any important information.
So go ahead, subscribe at your leisure, follow us on your preferred social media platform, and ultimately, enjoy the website. We redesigned this to allow us to better serve you all, and we really hope you will like it. We’d love to hear your thoughts on it – please feel welcome to leave us a comment below and tell us what you think!